Our Start

Momma’s Silver Lining started as a one year idea for myself.
I was not in a happy place in life.  Over the several years prior to the start of this blog, life had dealt some big blows.  The death of my brother-in-law, my husband’s difficulties with losing his brother, me starting my own business, the separation of my marriage, consulting with a divorce attorney, working to rebuild trust and my marriage, then another big blow to my husband when his company got bought out and horrible new management came in, job loss, my business was not big enough to support us at that time, bankruptcy, foreclosure, finding a rental for our family of six, downsizing and moving while working like mad to try to build ourselves back up.  It all took its toll.
I was blessed.  I knew I was very blessed.  I didn’t feel like it though.  It’s hard when you know you have a good life, but you don’t seem to be able to connect to it.  I was complaining and generally unhappy with life itself.  And that is not who I wanted to be.
In December of 2010 I had an idea, starting January I was going to start a blog.  For 365 days I would write something that I was thankful for each day.  Ironically, a Christmas present from my Mom that year was a blank journal.  She suggested that I write down good things.  She saw where I was and wanted to help too.  I told her my plans for this blog and she was happy for me.  I knew nothing about blogging.  But I plowed ahead and January 9th, 2011 was my first blog.
This was such a great thing, that I’ve just kept going.  The first 365 days changed me.  It is one thing to name something that you are thankful for.  It is another to sit down, dedicate time, put in more thought, and write enough about it to publish!  It makes life’s blessings seem bigger.  It makes you, as a person, more thankful.  And these blessings aren’t just something that happened anymore; they becomes a part of who you are.  And I like who I am with this.  So I’ll keep going with this blog!