Rawness and Gratitude

When you have loved ones who don’t have a long time left in this world, your world shifts.  There is a cloud that hangs over your heart that shifts from light gray to dark, stormy gray with an unexplainable suddeness.

The last time life had left my emotions so prevailing over the in and out of every day, I started this blog.  It’s been awhile, well over 10 years now.  This blog, this simple daily act of digging deeper in to every day gratitude pulled my bruised up heart out from the rut it was in and changed my perspective without failure.

And that is what I am living by now. Every time the feelings pile up, I turn to gratitude.  The feelings can be here a little.  I am human. I am allowed to feel.  But when the emotions turn like a tornado or like an avalanche trying to consume me; that is when I turn thankful.

Tonight I am thankful for the wonderful people that God has placed in my life.  I am thankful for merciful days before leaving this Earth for Heaven.  I thank God for his son Jesus Christ and for the love and sacrifice that lets us go to Heaven.  I suck at goodbyes, but I am so very thankful that whenever the last goodbye is here; it will only be a goodbye for a little while, as I will see them again some day in Heaven. ❤

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